SONGMICS Stackable Jewelry Box Jewelry Trays Storage Organizer Brown UJBC124C
SONGMICS Stackable Jewelry Box Jewelry Trays Storage Organizer Brown UJBC124C is one of best product that alot of people looking for jewelry storage.Alot of people looking for this SONGMICS Stackable Jewelry Box Jewelry Trays Storage Organizer Brown UJBC124C when they need some jewelry storage,This SONGMICS Stackable Jewelry Box Jewelry Trays Storage Organizer Brown UJBC124C is can be your best chooice if you are looking for best jewelry storage.If you wish to organize your jewelry and you want use jewelry storage you must try to read some review for this SONGMICS Stackable Jewelry Box Jewelry Trays Storage Organizer Brown UJBC124C.
You can read about SONGMICS Stackable Jewelry Box Jewelry Trays Storage Organizer Brown UJBC124C in description below to knowing if this SONGMICS Stackable Jewelry Box Jewelry Trays Storage Organizer Brown UJBC124C are supposed with you.Or you can find another best product for jewelry storage if you doesn't like this.We have alot product review for jewelry storage that you can read in this blog.
The SONGMICS jewelry box is of excellent layout, attractive appearance, simple structure and fine workmanship. It features in 4 removable layers. They come in different colors and can be used separately.
It's a great choice for storing your rings, earrings, ear studs, necklaces and bracelets etc. It's also a wonderful gift idea.
- Surface Material: Faux Leather
- Frame Material: Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF)
- Interior material: Velvet
- Product Size: 9 7/8"L x 7 1/8"W x 7 7/8"H (25 x 18 x 20cm)
- Height of the Upper 3 Tiers: 1 3/4" (4.5cm)
- Height of the 4th Tier: 2 1/2” (6.5cm)
- Interior Color: 1st Tier is Rose Red, 2nd Tier is Blue, 3rd Tier is Green and the 4th Tier is Orange
- Net Weight: 4.4lb (2kg)
Packing Contents:
- 1 x Jewelry Box
- BRILLIANT COLOR MATCH: Brown faux leather with rose red, blue, green and orange velvet lining
- 4 JEWELRY TRAYS: 36 compartments in total, provide spacious room for your jewelry and small stuff
- REMOVABLE & PRACTICAL: Each tray can be used to store your jewelry independently, convenient in use
- MULTI-FUNCTIONAL: The jewelry box organizes your bracelets, necklaces, rings, watches, cufflinks and badges in good order
- PRODUCT SIZE:9 7/8"L x 7 1/8"W x 7 7/8"H (25 x 18 x 20cm)
Ok there is some review for SONGMICS Stackable Jewelry Box Jewelry Trays Storage Organizer Brown UJBC124C and of best product for jewelry storage.Thank you for reading this review about SONGMICS Stackable Jewelry Box Jewelry Trays Storage Organizer Brown UJBC124C.if you think this SONGMICS Stackable Jewelry Box Jewelry Trays Storage Organizer Brown UJBC124C suitable for you,you can give some share to growup this site,Other wish,you can try looking for another product for jewelry storage in this blog.I hope this review can helping you to get best product for jewelry storage
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