iKayaa Lockable Mirrored Jewelry Armoire Door Wall Mounted Hanging Jewelry Cabinet With LED Light, White

iKayaa Lockable Mirrored Jewelry Armoire Door Wall Mounted Hanging Jewelry Cabinet With LED Light, White is one of best product that alot of people looking for over the door jewelry armoire.Alot of people looking for this iKayaa Lockable Mirrored Jewelry Armoire Door Wall Mounted Hanging Jewelry Cabinet With LED Light, White when they need some over the door jewelry armoire,This iKayaa Lockable Mirrored Jewelry Armoire Door Wall Mounted Hanging Jewelry Cabinet With LED Light, White is can be your best chooice if you are looking for best over the door jewelry armoire.If you wish to organize your jewelry and you want use over the door jewelry armoire you must try to read some review for this iKayaa Lockable Mirrored Jewelry Armoire Door Wall Mounted Hanging Jewelry Cabinet With LED Light, White.

over the door jewelry armoire

You can read about iKayaa Lockable Mirrored Jewelry Armoire Door Wall Mounted Hanging Jewelry Cabinet With LED Light, White in description below to knowing if this iKayaa Lockable Mirrored Jewelry Armoire Door Wall Mounted Hanging Jewelry Cabinet With LED Light, White are supposed with you.Or you can find another best product for over the door jewelry armoire if you doesn't like this.We have alot product review for over the door jewelry armoire that you can read in this blog.

This is a quite fashion and practical jewelry cabinet for bedroom or dressing room! It can be hung on the wall or over the door to save space. With 6 LED lights, you can clearly see jewelries and use it at dark places. Besides, it can sort & organize jewelry and ornaments orderly, keep them dust-free and ready to use with large and elaborate inner space. Beautiful look compares well with your furniture and home decoration.

Excellent material and craft, sturdy and durable.
Store jewelry & ornaments orderly, ready to use and dust-free.

Color: White
Material: MDF + Metal
Product Size: 119.5 * 36.8 * 9.5cm / 47.05 * 14.48 * 3.74"
Product Weight: 10kg / 22.04LB
Package Size: 127 * 42.5 * 14.5cm / 50 * 16.73 * 5.71"
Package Weight: 13kg / 28.66LB

Package Included:
1 * Jewelry Cabinet
1 * Assembling Instruction


  • Easy to assemble: hang over the door or wall mounted with brackets and screws.
  • Locakble for Safety: Equipped with a lock at right to keep jewelry safe.
  • Auto LED Lights: 6 LED light at top, switch the button, it will turn on/off with open/close of the cabinet automatically.
  • Clear Outside Mirror: Have a large mirror for jewelry wearing, making up, cloth choose.
  • Professional Storage Area Divide: Notches for earrings, rail for bracelet & scarf, hooks for long/short necklaces, room for rings, ear studs, grids for watch, cosmetics, bracelet etc.

Ok there is some review for iKayaa Lockable Mirrored Jewelry Armoire Door Wall Mounted Hanging Jewelry Cabinet With LED Light, White and of best product for over the door jewelry armoire.Thank you for reading this review about iKayaa Lockable Mirrored Jewelry Armoire Door Wall Mounted Hanging Jewelry Cabinet With LED Light, White.if you think this iKayaa Lockable Mirrored Jewelry Armoire Door Wall Mounted Hanging Jewelry Cabinet With LED Light, White suitable for you,you can give some share to growup this site,Other wish,you can try looking for another product for over the door jewelry armoire in this blog.I hope this review can helping you to get best product for over the door jewelry armoire

iKayaa Lockable Mirrored Jewelry Armoire Door Wall Mounted Hanging Jewelry Cabinet With LED Light, White iKayaa Lockable Mirrored Jewelry Armoire Door Wall Mounted Hanging
Jewelry Cabinet With LED Light, White Reviewed by Crush onyou on 02.14 Rating: 5

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