Misslo Jewelry Organizer Hanging For Travel Home Storage 30 Zippered Pockets 17 Loops, Beige
Misslo Jewelry Organizer Hanging For Travel Home Storage 30 Zippered Pockets 17 Loops, Beige is one of best product that alot of people looking for jewelry organizer.Alot of people looking for this Misslo Jewelry Organizer Hanging For Travel Home Storage 30 Zippered Pockets 17 Loops, Beige when they need some jewelry organizer,This Misslo Jewelry Organizer Hanging For Travel Home Storage 30 Zippered Pockets 17 Loops, Beige is can be your best chooice if you are looking for best jewelry organizer.If you wish to organize your jewelry and you want use jewelry organizer you must try to read some review for this Misslo Jewelry Organizer Hanging For Travel Home Storage 30 Zippered Pockets 17 Loops, Beige.
You can read about Misslo Jewelry Organizer Hanging For Travel Home Storage 30 Zippered Pockets 17 Loops, Beige in description below to knowing if this Misslo Jewelry Organizer Hanging For Travel Home Storage 30 Zippered Pockets 17 Loops, Beige are supposed with you.Or you can find another best product for jewelry organizer if you doesn't like this.We have alot product review for jewelry organizer that you can read in this blog.
Fabric: 80G non-woven fabric, Soft, Sturdy and Environmental.
Can be use many years.
Button: 4 buttons
Pockets: Transparent 16S PVC, thick and sturdy
It has 2 sides, one side is 30 pockets, another side is 17 hookds.
Overall size: 31 inches by 17 inches
Pockets size details: 24pcs*L 4"/H 2.7", and 6pcs* L 5.5"/H 4"
Three rows loops, total 17 pcs, velcro closure, easy to use.
The transparent pockets make it easy to see items even in a dim closet.
This organizer is perfect for pendants, rings, chains, watches, bracelets, headwear.
Your standard hanger required.
- Dual-sided jewelry organizer- 30 pockets in multiple sizes and another side is 17 hook and loops for necklace
- Zippers run across each row of pockets, keeps jewelry secure and free of dust
- The loops for hanging larger and longer necklaces so that they do not have to be scrunched up into one of the pockets
- The button closures make it easy to open and close, your standard hanger will perfectly fit
- This hanging jewelry organizer easily hang in the closet, also easy to roll up, can be folded into a suitcase for travel
Ok there is some review for Misslo Jewelry Organizer Hanging For Travel Home Storage 30 Zippered Pockets 17 Loops, Beige and of best product for jewelry organizer.Thank you for reading this review about Misslo Jewelry Organizer Hanging For Travel Home Storage 30 Zippered Pockets 17 Loops, Beige.if you think this Misslo Jewelry Organizer Hanging For Travel Home Storage 30 Zippered Pockets 17 Loops, Beige suitable for you,you can give some share to growup this site,Other wish,you can try looking for another product for jewelry organizer in this blog.I hope this review can helping you to get best product for jewelry organizer
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