NEEWER® Helping Hand Clip LED Magnifying Soldering Iron Jewelry Stand Lens 3.5X 12X
NEEWER® Helping Hand Clip LED Magnifying Soldering Iron Jewelry Stand Lens 3.5X 12X is one of best product that alot of people looking for jewelry stand.Alot of people looking for this NEEWER® Helping Hand Clip LED Magnifying Soldering Iron Jewelry Stand Lens 3.5X 12X when they need some jewelry stand,This NEEWER® Helping Hand Clip LED Magnifying Soldering Iron Jewelry Stand Lens 3.5X 12X is can be your best chooice if you are looking for best jewelry stand.If you wish to organize your jewelry and you want use jewelry stand you must try to read some review for this NEEWER® Helping Hand Clip LED Magnifying Soldering Iron Jewelry Stand Lens 3.5X 12X.
You can read about NEEWER® Helping Hand Clip LED Magnifying Soldering Iron Jewelry Stand Lens 3.5X 12X in description below to knowing if this NEEWER® Helping Hand Clip LED Magnifying Soldering Iron Jewelry Stand Lens 3.5X 12X are supposed with you.Or you can find another best product for jewelry stand if you doesn't like this.We have alot product review for jewelry stand that you can read in this blog.
*Dimension :10 x 17 x 6.5cm
*Color: SILVER + transparent+ Black
*Good quality LED Light Illuminated 3.5X & 12X Magnifier Magnifying Glass
*Primary lens diameter: 65mm
*Accessorial lens diameter: 17mm
*Primary lens Magnification times: 3.5x
*Accessorial Lens Magnifying multiple:12x
*With two LED lights, you can also be in normal operation under insufficient sunlight environment.
*Powered by three AAA. (batteries NOT included)
*The metal flexible pipe can be bent into various shapes and the Lens height and position are adjustable freely to meet the various needs of customers
*It can be used as a practical helper for soldering jewelry, electronics and model making
*Adjustable crocodile holding clamps
Package Contents:
*1x LED 3.5X & 12X LED Magnifying Frameless Glass
*1x User manual
- 100% brand new and high quality
- A useful Aid for soldering work or model makers
- Adjustable crocodile holding clamps
- Bottom battery compartment is furnished with steel plate which can enhance stability
- Ideal when a third hand is needed
Ok there is some review for NEEWER® Helping Hand Clip LED Magnifying Soldering Iron Jewelry Stand Lens 3.5X 12X and of best product for jewelry stand.Thank you for reading this review about NEEWER® Helping Hand Clip LED Magnifying Soldering Iron Jewelry Stand Lens 3.5X 12X.if you think this NEEWER® Helping Hand Clip LED Magnifying Soldering Iron Jewelry Stand Lens 3.5X 12X suitable for you,you can give some share to growup this site,Other wish,you can try looking for another product for jewelry stand in this blog.I hope this review can helping you to get best product for jewelry stand
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